PM Imran urges people to raise awareness about Afghanistan crisis

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday urged people to join an "international initiative to raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis" in Afghanistan that has put millions of Afghans at risk of starvation

I will add my voice also and want people to join an international initiative to raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Afghanistan, putting at risk of starvation millions of Afghans, especially children

#SaveAfghanLives pic


com/HFrsAOfZSm — Imran Khan (@ImranKhanPTI) January 23, 2022 "I will add my voice also and want people to join an international initiative to raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Afghanistan, putting at risk of starvation millions of Afghans, especially children," said Imran using #SaveAfghanLives with his tweet

Read Desperate Afghans queue for free bread as poverty crisis deepens A day earlier, Imran endorsed a call by former British prime minister Gordon Brown seeking an international donor conference to help the Afghans

He had said it was a global obligation to provide immediate humanitarian relief to millions of Afghans, who were facing an imminent danger of starvation during the ongoing winter

In his tweet, the prime minister had also reminded the world that providing immediate relief to impoverished Afghanistan was also obligatory under the unanimously adopted UN Principle of Responsibility to Protect (R2P)

Date:24-Jan-2022 Reference:View Original Link