The dilemma facing Pakistan is that the primary commodities which it exports – like cotton, sugar, leather and textiles – do not have a stable price in the international market, as a result of which expected export earnings can not be guaranteed
Pakistan has restricted its export to a few primary and intermediate goods instead of value added or finished products, which has naturally led to a poor BoP
The simple truth of the matter is that the primary and secondary products Pakistan provides for the world are currently unable to correct a current account deficit
However, it is important to concede that the key reason behind the continuously declining export is the clash between trade policies and monetary policies
This is further complicated by the fact that consumers have very little confidence in the Pakistani economy
Consequently, the low inflow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has meant that Pakistan’s exports are also suffering as a consequence
Ultimately, there are a whole host of internal and external factors that have damaged Pakistan’s export sector and caused it to lag behind the world
The export sector has suffered due to a reliance on foreign resources, low production of commodities that have high domestic demand, poor governance, incompetence and corruption
This in turn has meant that Pakistan’s enterprises are nowhere to be found in the global value and supply chains, which has resulted in inadequate facilitation procedures of trade, inadequate support from the government bodies, and an unavailability of financing for small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
Other constraints include an unreliable energy supply, poor infrastructure, old-fashioned technology and weak contract enforcement
As a result, Pakistan only has a few export commodities and has only limited markets which can be used as destinations for Pakistan’s exports
But the Strategic Trade Policy Framework (STPF), initiated by the Ministry of Commerce will have a crucial role to play in improving exports
The framework was launched with the aim to enable Pakistani firms to export diversified and innovative products in order to be a part of a highly competitive global trading environment
The STPF includes a focus on macro policies which intend to enhance the value of Pakistan’s exports, increase product competitiveness, product diversification, market diversification and develop a sustainable manufacturing model in Pakistan
An implementation of these changes is the need of the hour
The problem behind Pakistan’s current export conundrum is that although many five year plans and medium term frameworks have been designed, their implementation is circumspect
The trade deficit can only be rectified if we improve the quality of our products, market them effectively, and invest in research and development in order to ensure that our exports are competitive in the international market
There is also a desperate need to fix the textile sector by upgrading its units and ensuring that a uniform policy is put into place to govern the sector
Furthermore, Pakistan’s currency depreciation has meant that competitors like India and Bangladesh have managed to race ahead in the international market
In Pakistan, product concentration is much higher as compared to other countries, therefore, there is a need to formulate a strategy that would increase the product base and reduce dependence on other primary products like cotton and rice
But increasing exports and improving their standard alone is not enough
A stock of exports is useless is there is no place to ship them to
Pakistan needs to ensure that it taps into other international markets and moves beyond only sending its products to its handful of trading partners like America, England, China and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Pakistan has to ensure that its currently untapped $12
8 billion potential for exports is exploited to its fullest because a thriving export sector is imperative if the government wants to pull Pakistan out of the current economic slump
Date: | 29-Sep-2019 | Reference: | View Original Link |