Pervez Musharraf begins career as political analyst on TV

Former president and a retired army chief, Pervez Musharraf, has now launched a career as a political analyst on a weekly talk show on Bol TV as it was recently said on the channel’s Twitter page

The promotional video by the TV channel revealed a glimpse of the show called, "Pakistan First with President Musharraf" which will be aired every Sunday at 8:00pm

Watch "Sab Se Pehle Pakistan with President Pervez Musharraf " every Sunday only on BOL News #BOLNews#MusharrafOnBOL pic


com/ug7iBn2Dqr — BOL NETWORK (@BOLNETWORK) February 26, 2017 However, neither Musharraf nor representatives of Bol TV – a channel that recently ran afoul of government regulators when one of its hosts was accused of hate speech – were available for comment

In the first episode of the show on Sunday, Musharraf appeared live from Dubai and responded to questions about the security situation in Pakistan

Speaking about the latest military operation in Pakistan targeting militant and terror groups, the former general argued that the root cause of extremism had to be addressed

Musharraf seeks security as he plans return to Pakistan There were no comments by the army when contacted about the show, nor did the television regulatory authority

Musharraf, who seized power in a 1999 military coup, stepped down nine years later

He was allowed to leave Pakistan in 2016 for health reasons that prevented him from standing trial on treason and other charges that Musharraf always had denied

 He has not returned to Pakistan since last year

The criminal cases against Musharraf were lodged by prosecutors under Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, who was ousted as prime minister in the 1999 military coup

Date:06-Feb-2023 Reference:View Original Link