Getz Pharma: A reliable source for Valsartan medicines


A Recall Alert was issued by the Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan on July 12th, 2018 in response to a letter by EMA (European Medicines Agency) with reference to the subject of carcinogenic impurities found in Valsartan raw materials manufactured by M/S Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, China.

Valsartan medicines are used to treat patients with high blood pressure in order to reduce heart complications. According to the Journal of Pakistan Medical Association & National Health Survey (2011), 33% of the Pakistani population above the age of 45 has hypertension, with 19% prevalence rate in people of age 15 or above. The statistics have only risen since then, which means the consumption of Valsartan medicines is high.

The impurities found in these raw materials could cause cancer. The DRAP Recall alert stated that a total of nine pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan are on the DRAP recall list and this list does not include Getz Pharma and its products: Cova, Covam and Cova-H.

According to our research and a declaration put forward by the pharmaceutical, Getz Pharma’s Valsartan brands are manufactured using the raw material- Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs)- sourced from suppliers who are qualified as per WHO guidelines.

The company’s manufacturing facility is pre-qualified and approved by WHO Geneva, as well as from a member country of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S). As of today, it operates in 22 countries across the globe.

Individuals who have been consuming Valsartan brands are requested to visit their health care consultants to take necessary measures and protect themselves.


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