#InkIt: Hamza Ali Abbasi, Mawra Hocane among others cast their vote

As Pakistan gears for a record turnout at the polling stations this year for general elections, some early bird voters included a handsome number of celebs as well.

While the polling stations were fairly empty in the morning, these celebs exercised their right, hopefully without the hassle! Hamza Ali Abbasi, Mawra Hocane, Bilal Abbas Khan and many others shared pictures of their purple ink on social media.

Hamza Ali Abbasi:

#ElectionPakistan2018 PLEASE GET OUT NOW AND VOTE!!!!!!!!! pic.twitter.com/68mQhadi5R

— Hamza Ali Abbasi (@iamhamzaabbasi) July 25, 2018

Vasay Chaudhry:

A 14 hour flight to get to THIS. pic.twitter.com/bGpaWUBnZN

— vasay chaudhry (@vasaych) July 25, 2018

Mawra Hocane:

Voted. #AbsirfImranKhan #BallaypeNishan #PakistanElections2018 P.s a sweet quick trip to my home town reminded me just how Beautiful Islamabad is. looking forward to an even more beautiful Future ❤️ #NayaPakistan

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Adnan Malik:

My polling station for NA 247 and PS 111 was Hampton Grammar School in Clifton, Karachi. I was there by 8 am, the polling started at 8:15. It was minorly chaotic (as all starts in Pakistan are) but there were polling agents, supervisors, lots of rangers and a few of us early bird voters. It all went by relatively smoothly and felt pretty decently sorted out. I was out by 8:35. Remember to carry your silsila number and your block code on a separate sheet. You can’t register without these 2 pieces of information. To get this info. Message your ID card number to 8300. Vote intelligently and for those you believe can achieve desired results and are in line with your value system. Pakistan zindabad! (Now I’m going to catch some zzzzz’s ) . . . . . . #adnanmalik #elections #pakistanelections #voteforpakistan

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Bilal Abbas Khan:

V-O-T-E #tabdeeli

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Mansha Pasha:

I Voted! No matter who you are voting for today, Do Vote. The only way forward is through Free and Fair Elections. Your voice matters! Make it count. #elections2018 HumMeinSe #Aik #Loudspeaker

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Hasan Ahmed:

Because Actions speak louder than WORDS #pakistanelections2018 #pakistankikhatirniklo #pakistandecides2018

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Sameena Peerzada:


— Samina Peerzada (@SaminaSays) July 25, 2018

Amna Babar:

Vote do #Pakistan ki khatir. #election2018

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Maria B:

This was the state of our polling station in kamahaan lahore… no sewrage… polling station on the first floor where the elderly could not go to vote. But that doesnt stop us!!! Go out and vote for pakistan people!!!! Pakistan paindabad!!!

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Original news : https://tribune.com.pk/story/1766064/4-inkit-hamza-ali-abbasi-mawra-hocane-among-others-cast-vote/