KARACHI: The rupee strengthened against the dollar at Rs138.67/Rs139.01 in the inter-bank market on Thursday compared with Wednesday’s close of Rs138.69/Rs139.02, according to the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). Earlier in November, the rupee fell to an all-time low at Rs144 against the dollar in intra-day trading before recovering to 139.05 in the sixth round of devaluation since December 2017. Cumulatively, the rupee has lost 31.8% of its value in the last 12 months. In October, a slump in the value of the rupee came after the government decided to knock at the IMF door to avoid default on import payments and debt repayments.
Published in The Express Tribune, December 14th, 2018.
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Original news : https://tribune.com.pk/story/1866381/2-rupee-strengthens-dollar-15/