A video of Bollywood superstars Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan have been making rounds on social media. As yesterday was the former’s 53rd birthday, he hosted a bash at his Panvel farmhouse which had the likes of Sushmita Sen, Katrina Kaif and Sonakshi Sinha in attendance, reported India Today.
Joining these ladies was of course, King Khan. With the celebrations in full swing, Salman and SRK even ended up having a private jamming session together. Although there seemed to be bad blood between the pair in previous times, the two Khans have sorted out there differences since then and are more than happy in each other’s company.
With the video going viral, there are unsurprisingly many reactions. While some fans are all for Salman and Shah Rukh’s time together, others have had rather interesting things to say. After the video was posted on Twitter and Instagram, users started pouring in with their ‘reviews’. “I am just loving this!” said one fan, “Superb se bhi ooper hai (Better than superb),” said another. Some were even surprised at the occurrence. “SRK went to Salman’s place?!”
However, a lot of people were very focused on the cigarette in the Zero star’s hand. “Add a caption ‘Smoking kills’,” wrote a user while others stated, “Look at SRK’s dirty hands,” and “disgusting man.” But the hate didn’t stop there, “These two have been big stars, bathing in their larger than life egos and oozing with arrogance. Can’t wait till these two are forgotten like the ones before them!”
If I had hit a woman, she wouldn’t have survived: Salman Khan
Okay, people need to chill… What do you think of the pair’s jamming session?
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Original news : https://tribune.com.pk/story/1876379/4-must-watch-salman-khan-srk-jam/